I. General Questions

Here you will find general questions and answers about the sports center.



You can find our office on the back site of mensa (Building 27) in Hohepfortestraße.

One times upastairs and then you can find us in room 209.


FAQ, Lageplan SPOZ


University of applied sciences MD | SDL

The office of the university of applied sciences Magdeburg | Stendal you find in House 15 - 1.09


You can contact our office by phone under 0391 67-58851 or by mail under sportzentrum@ovgu.de


University of applied sciences MD | SDL

You can contact the Team of the university of apllied sciences MD | SDL by phone under 0391 886-4384 / or -4454, or by mail under hochschulsport@h2.de


Your general contact persons are our employees of the secretariat

Mr. Römmling and Mr. Metzger.


But also our sports teachers can help you.

Our whole team you can find here.



University of applied sciences  MD | SDL

The team of the university of applied sciences you can find  here.


The secretariat can be reached at the following times*:


Lehrveranstaltungszeit                                               Lehrveranstaltungsfreie Zeit

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday                                    Monday – thursday

10 am – 3 pm                                                                   11 am – 2 pm


1 pm – 3 pm


On weekends and on holidays we are closed. 


*Due to business appointments, there may be deviations.

Important News you will find on our Homepage. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and UniNow.


Yes, if you are enrolled in our sports courses or the CampusFit you can get a stamp in our office.


Last Modification: 17.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster