II. Sports Courses

Here you will find questions and answers about sports courses.


Following persons can participate on our courses and the CampusFit:


  • Students and employees of Otto-von Guericke-University Magdeburg and the university of applied science Magdeburg – Stendal

  • Employees of ccoperating institutions (e. g. Fraunhofer-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut etc.)

  • Members of the universities sports club Magdeburg e. V. (after consultation)

  • long-standing former employees (pensioners) with appropriate proof from the human resources department (after consultation)

  • students of other universities in saxony-anhalt


The current sports offering you can find on our homepage in the section „Anmeldung zum Sportangebot“.


If you need special knowledge for your sports course you can see in the course details.

„A“ stands for beginners (Anfänger). There you do not need any knowledge.

„F“ is for professionals (Fortgeschrittene). There you need very good abilities for the course

„W“ is for competition (Wettkämpfer). This courses are made to train for competitions and you need a lots of knowledge and abilities for this course.

Many of our courses are mixed so that beginners and professionals can take part.

If you are not sure about your level of knowledge or your abilities you can ask the coach oft he course.


If you have a look in our sports offering you can click on the course name and the course site will open up.

Here you will find a description for the sport and the course details.

To enroll for the course you have to click on the grren button „buchen“.

Now fill out the following form and confirm it.

If the enrollment was successfull you will get a confirmation mail.


Important: You have to use your universities mail adress to enroll!

Look on a correct typing, Otherwise we cannot contact you.

FAQ Sportkurs buchen


Within the first two weeks after we opened up the enrollment it is possible to contact us by a special contact formular on our homepage and to inform us about your cancelation.


But it is possible to write us a mail too.



Please check, that you contact the correct organiser* of your sports course.

Otherwise we can not guarantee for your cancellation!


Cancellations of OVGU courses you can send to sportzentrum@ovgu.de

Cancellations of H² courses you can send to hochschulsport@h2.de


*The organiser you can find on the several course site.


Yes, if a course is fully booked it is possible to enroll on a waiting list.

Therefor you have to click on the red button „Warteliste“ and type in your mail adress in the following form.

If a place gets free, our system will send autmatically a mail tot he first ten persons on the waiting list.

If the place is still free after 24 hours the next ten persons will get a mail.


FAQ Warteliste


No, there is no option to creat an account in our booking system.

But with your first enrollment you can create a password. So if you want to enroll for more than one sports course you do not have to type in your data for each enrollment.


If you are on the the site of your course you can click on the place in the course details. Then there will open up a new site with a map and the adress.

FAQ Standort Sportstätten


Our coaches you can only contact by a contact formular.

Therefor you have to click on the name oft he several coach.


*Because of data security we can not give you any private phone numbers or mail adresses of our coaches.

FAQ ÜL Kontakt


Yes and no: there is no real trial phase in that meaning.

At the beginning of each semester the schedules can change very often so it is possible to cancel a sports course within the first two weeks for free (after we opened up the enrollment in our system).


The first time we will get the fee for the sports courses is two weeks after we opened up the enrollment. Then the deadline for free cancelations ends.

If we started the debit process you will get a mail about this.

Until the monay i staken from your bank account it may last some days.

In the following weeks we will start the debit process again to get the fee of new enrollments.



Please check if you have enough money on your bank account. Otherwise the fees can not be taken and this may result in additional return debit fees for you and unnecessary administrative work for us, which we will then have to invoice you for.


Yes, if you are enrolled in our sports courses or the CampusFit you are insured by the Insurance of Saxony-Anhalt.

This applies to personal injuries and sometimes also to property damage (e.g. glasses broken due to sports)


If you have an accident in university sports, you should inform your trainer who can make an entry in the accident book.


We also need an accident report from you*:

• If you do not need a medical consultation, the initial notification is sufficient.


• If you want to see a doctor, it must definitely be a transit doctor (Durchgangs-Arzt)!

       Otherwise, the accident insurance company may not cover the treatment costs.

       You can find a list of transit doctors HERE.


       We also need a complete accident report (students/employees

       For your part and – if available – a doctor’s report for the accident insurance company.


*within 3 days!

Last Modification: 18.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster