III. CampusFit

Here you will find questions and answers about our gym CampusFit.


The offering for CampusFit you can find in the current sports offering.


To enroll for a CampusFit ticket you have to click on the green button „buchen“, fill in the following form and confirm it.

Then you will get a confirmation mail.

There you will find a link that lead to your registration confirmation and a barcode.

This one you meed to pass the turn stile to entert he CampusFit.


Important: You have to use your universities mail adress to enroll!

Look on a correct typing, Otherwise we cannot contact you.


The following cards are available:


Card                               Time                                            Prices

Monthly Card             Start to end of a month       (20,00 € students / 30,00 € employees)

Morning Card             semesterwise                          (46,50 € students / 60,50 € employees)

Semester Card           semesterwise                          (69,50 € students / 90,50 € employees)

Annual Card                1 Year (starts in october)    (104,50 € students / 136,00 € employees)


Due to staff fluctuation it it possible that the opening times change a little bit. But within a smester the opening hours are stable.

If there are changes we will inform you punctual.


The current opening hours of CampusFit are Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. and Saturday form 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


On holidays the CampusFit is closed.


You can find CampusFit in the cellar of sports hall 3 (downstairs then turn left two times).


Yes we lockers in our changing rooms and in the CampusFit where you can put your things in.



  • You need your own padlock!
  •  Please clear lockers after visiting the sports facility and do not occupy them permanently


Before entering CampusFit you have to pass the turnstile.

Therefor you need the barcode that is part of your enrollment confirmation mail.

You can print that code out our scan the screen of your smartphone.

For leaving CampusFit you do not need the barcode again.


No because of insurance reasons it is not possible to get a trial training.

But before you enroll for CampusFit you can visit it and have a look. Talk to our trainers there and they will show you everything (there is a bell in front of the turnstile).


  • Please wear sport clothes
  • Please wear clean sport shoes with bright soles (no street shoes)
  • You need absolutely a towel to place underneath you body on the devices
  • You have to clean up / desinfect the devices after use
  • Please do not use an unnecessary amount of equipment for your training
  • It is not permitted to eat in CampusFit (Drinking in closed bottles is okay (no alcohol!)
  • Do not play your own loud music (headphones are fine)
  • Be considerate of other people involved in sports
  • Follow the instructions of our staff


Yes, if you are enrolled in our sports courses or the CampusFit you are insured by the Insurance of Saxony-Anhalt.

This applies to personal injuries and sometimes also to property damage (e.g. glasses broken due to sports).


If you have an accident in CampusFit, you should inform the trainer who can make an entry in the accident book.


We also need an accident report from you*:

• If you do not need a medical consultation, the initial notification is sufficient.


• If you want to see a doctor, it must definitely be a transit doctor (Durchgangs-Arzt)!

       Otherwise, the accident insurance company may not cover the treatment costs.

       You can find a list of transit doctors HERE.


       We also need a complete accident report (students/employees

       For your part and – if available – a doctor’s report for the accident insurance company.


*within 3 days!


If there are any questions or problems you can talk to the trainers.

The responsible employee of the sports center for CampusFit is Mr. Müller.


Last Modification: 17.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster